Handmade tagliatelle: how to make them at home

When you make fresh pasta is possible to create different types of it: tagliatelle, tagliolini, pappardelle, lasagna, maltagliati and many others.

Making tagliatelle at home is much better than buying them because you can prepare a large quantity of this kind of pasta and dry it. Drying tagliatelle it’s an excellent method to keep them!

Difference among tagliatelle, pappardelle and tagliolini

The base recipe of these pasta formats is always the same, what changes is the width of the strips.

The thickness of the pasta sheet, half a millimeter, stays same but the width of the kind of pasta changes: pappardelle range between 2 and 4 centimeters, tagliatelle are 8 mm wide and the tagliolini are very small in thickness, about 5 millimeters.

Handmade semolina flour tagliatelle.

Yields: 5 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 20 Mins Cook Time: 1 Mins Total Time: 21 Mins


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How to prepare the egg pasta dough

Prepare the dough following the recipe on this blog clicking here.

Divide the dough in three equal parts.

Prepare tagliolini, tagliatelle or pappardelle at home with the rolling-pin

Take a piece of dough at a time.

Start using the rolling-pin to create a sheet of pasta that’s longer than larger.

Putting the hands in the middle of the rolling-pin and pressing the dough strongly, roll it back and forth.

When the dough is about 20 cm long, put his top end on the rolling-pin.

Wrap the dough around the rolling-pin leaving it loose in half and start rolling it back and forth on the pastry board pressing hard and making sure that the pasta sheet doesn’t slide off.

While doing this it could be helpful to hold the loose half of the dough with the other hand as you can see in the video.

Then, repeat the operation wrapping the other side of the dough around the rolling-pin and finish spreading it when it all becomes a pasta sheet and comes to a thickness of 5 mm or until you can clearly see the shadow of your fingers through it.

How to prepare homemade tagliolini, tagliatelle or pappardelle with grandma duck

Prepare the pasta machine fixing it to the table and making sure that’s very firm.

Sprinkle both the worktop and the dough with plentiful flour.

Roll out the dough until it reaches a thickness than can fit in the machine set at number 1.

On the machine you’ll find numbers from 1 to 6 or 7.

Set it to number 1 and pass the dough through it. Then repeat it placing it to number 3 and then to number 5.
The ideal size for tagliatelle, tagliolini and pappardelle is number 5.

In case you wanted to make a pasta format where you need to layer two kinds of pasta sheets such as filled ravioli, you can set it at number 6.

Once made the first pasta sheet, spread it with abundant flour and fold it in two.

Spead it with flour and fold it again and again until it forms a small loaf.

Handmade tagliatelle: how to make them at home
Handmade tagliatelle: how to make them at home

Now, with a knife or a pasta cutter, cut some stripes from the shorter open side of this loaf paying attention to the width: for the tagliolini it has to be 5 mm, for the tagliatelle 8 mm and for the pappardelle from 2 to 4 cm.

Now open all the stripes you’ve created.

Do it again with the remaining dough and use the pasta as you prefer.

Video recipe

Fresh pasta cooking time

Cooking fresh pasta is really fast.

When the water boils add salt and a spoon of olive oil.

Then put the pasta in the water and it will be ready after about 30 seconds.

You can see it because the cooked pasta tends to rise to the surface of the water.

Of course, the level of cooking also depends on personal taste.

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Maria Rosaria

I'm Maria Rosaria and I love to cook
I teach cooking classes and I would like to share this cooking experience with you. Write me to participate.

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